New Age Blackjack

The greatest breakthrough for blackjack players since the discovery of basic strategy!

New Age Blackjack was created by Tony Leo, an Expert Blackjack player who was a solid member of a very successful Blackjack team in the 80s.

New Age Blackjack is such a revolutionary strategy that novice players will use it to master the game, and veteran players will consider previous blackjack methods outdated. It simply outperforms all the others.

New Age Blackjack takes the guesswork out of counting cards and betting. You do not need to work with conversions, side count of Aces or any other intricate charts or graphs. This system is powerful, fairly simple to learn and will enable you to be a “Consistent Winner”.

It’s terrible to sit down at the Blackjack table and watch people throw their money away without the slightest chance of winning. They sit at the tables confused and bewildered like lambs awaiting the slaughter.

New Age Blackjack is a sophisticated and powerful strategy, yet simple to learn.

Each student will be required to play and record their practice hands of blackjack, along with various drills and exercises. The win/loss results of those practice hands will be your eyeball verification that the system does everything it is supposed to do. You will be armed with that knowledge before wagering a single dollar in the casino. You will have another income stream you never had.

New Age Blackjack has been developed over thousands of hands of actual play to beat the casinos under casino conditions and not computers under ideal conditions. You will be able to play and think quickly. And your decision will be on point.

I will teach you in a single day everything you need to know about blackjack and card counting. We will go through it together, step-by step, until you have mastered the system. New Age Blackjack provides you the education to empower your performance and provide you a “unique” knowledge. You will be able to “feel” the game, recognize opportunities, and bet into your advantage. Welcome to New Age Blackjack.

The fee for the entire course is only $679. It includes your “winning” manual, all the drills, our unique award-winning betting methods, exercises, and other valuable information. You will have an open line to me and our visit in Las Vegas. There are no hidden charges. No matter how long you might study with me, or how many times you may wish to consult me in the future, you never pay me another dime for this course.